Our team consists of a core team of interdisciplinary researchers with a proven background in transport and mobility planning. Our activities consist of the following three pillars:
- Ideation, writing and submission of European and international R&I project proposals and EU tenders in fields connected to UNIZA’s Research Agenda, particularly in topics related to transportation systems and mobility transitions. Priority is given to Horizon Europe calls (e.g. Cluster 5- Climate, Energy, Mobility, EIT Urban Mobility, Widening programme), with experience also for Interreg Europe, Interreg Central Europe, and Interreg Danube Transnational Programme funding mechanisms.
- Implementation of projects granted, where the team’s competences match projects’ needs. The team contributes to all main types of Horizon Europe projects, including Research and Innovation Action (RIA), Innovation Action (IA), and Coordination and Support Action (CSA). Contributions include project management, work package leadership, applied research, and dissemination tasks.
- Dissemination of scientific results, the team aims to publish primarily in 1st tier, recognised, open and non-predatory journals in the field of transport science, transport planning and transport policy. Work is presented in major European conferences (e.g. Transport Research Arena). It is also disseminating its expertise via several recognised international partnerships, as well as within UNIZA and to the wider public.
The ERAdiate+ team scientific competences include:
- Vehicular communication for Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) services
- Operational aspects of electromobility and alternative fuel-powered vehicles, data analysis and supporting infrastructure
- Passengers travel behaviour and mode choice, data collection and analysis.
- Values of travel time and perceived experiences from the perspective of travellers.
- Qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, including online survey and mobile app design.
- Socio-technical analysis of transport systems for accelerating the deployment of innovative and emerging mobility systems.
- Urban mobility innovation and transition processes.
- Computational modelling of users’ acceptance of technologies for predicting changes in travel demand patterns.
- Sustainable mobility appraisal tools and methods, going beyond cost-benefit analysis.
- Deployment of tailored targeted marketing techniques for promoting acceptance of sustainable mobility solutions.
- Participatory transport planning tools and processes, citizen and stakeholder engagement.
- Policy formulation and assessment.