Eighty experts and representatives from politics and economy from 7 European countries met on 10 November 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, at the 5th annual IRE Green Mobility Conference on the topic ‘’Master Mobility Plan for Green cities – sustainable and interconnected cities in Europe”.
The scope of this conference is to bring up aspects of sustainable urban mobility on a high level, of best-practice examples, innovative traffic programmes and technological solutions as well as giving impulses for new activities, cooperations and projects.
ERAdiate team members Karl Ernst Ambrosch and Dietrich Leihs participated in this conference in various ways. In his keynote speech, Dietrich Leihs provided an outlook on regional mobility and brought up the topic of investment into sustainable mobility as a factor of economic prosperity. Karl Ernst Ambrosch was invited to the panel discussion “Integrative and efficient mobility approaches for Green and connected Cities”, and stressed the aspect of assessing the impact of mobility measures as an instrument for policy decision support. During the press conference the fact that sustainable mobility could be made an instrument of modern lifestyle was pointed out. Listen to podcast Radio Slovenia for the interview of Karl Ernst Ambrosch (starting from 4’10).
The conference programme can be found here.
Photos from the event are available here.