Prof. Milan Dado is Full Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Department of Telecommunication and Multimedia). He is former dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, former rector of the University of Zilina and former president of the Slovak rectors’ conference.

He had the opportunity to develop international activities in research and education abroad, e.g. at the York University Canada, Northern Telecom and Bell Canada in 1993, at the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm in 1990 and at the Vienna University of Technology in 1981-1982. He has visited many other foreign institutions during the last 25 years.

Prof. Dado has been actively involved in European research and education programmes (TEMPUS, COST, LEONARDO, Socrates, 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Programme, Horizon 2020, European University Association projects…) and has managed national projects related to information and communication technologies, intelligent transportation systems, regional innovation strategies and e-learning.

He has been a member of several international committees and is currently COST programme national coordinator, member of COST Committee of Senior Officials as well as Executive Board member of COST.

As project coordinator of ERAdiate, Prof. Dado is responsible for the project implementation as foreseen in the Grant Agreement with the European Commission (EC). He chairs project meetings and is responsible for progress and final reports to the EC.