COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks. The peculiar nature of COST, running since 1971, lies in its open, inclusive and bottom-up approach to research and innovation. More than 240 COST Actions (i.e. science and technology networks) are currently running and involve about 45,000 researchers in activities such as conferences and workshops, short-term scientific missions and training schools. COST Actions represent an excellent opportunity for Slovak researchers to strengthen their participation in the European Research Area, thus supporting the promotion of international research careers and more significant scientific and societal impacts.
In Slovakia, COST participation is growing, but the average participation is still below other COST countries. To promote broader participation and sharing the experience from COST participants, SLORD (Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development) organised a COST Info Day in Bratislava on 7 February 2019. The event was organised in collaboration with COST, the Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport and the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI), which also hosted the event.
A broad audience of about 100 participants, coming from the whole Slovakia, attended the event. As keynote speaker, COST Director Dr. Ronald de Bruin explained the role of COST in promoting and spreading research excellence in Europe and beyond. Two other COST representatives, Ms. Katalin Alföldi and Christer Halén, presented respectively the policy dimension of COST and the practical steps for getting involved in submitting a proposal or joining a running Action.
After a comprehensive introduction to COST, two representatives of Slovakia in COST Actions were invited to share their experience and tips. ERAdiate was invited to contribute, in recognition of its strong role as contributor to COST with a participation in 4 COST Actions on transport and mobility. Dr. Giuseppe Lugano, previously Science Officer at COST and currently involved in 3 Actions as an ERAdiate member, presented his personal experience on how COST participation can provide a strong added value for a successful research journey. This presentation is available as a video lecture here (starts at minute 13).
A lively discussion followed the presentations, and informal networking continued after the closing of the event at the reception offered as part of the programme. Overall, the COST Info Day was a success of attendance and, as next step, the hope is that this will contribute to raise the actual participation in this successful pan-European programme that offers resources and concrete opportunities to boost research careers.